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Kingdom Rosado Robusto 5 X 54

Isambard Kingdom Brunel owes his unusual name to his father, a Norman civil engineer, who fled the French Revolution. His English mother, Sophia Kingdom, gave birth to their only son on April 9, 1806. Marc Isambard Brunel is not good with money (a trait that many financiers believe his son would inherit), but he is a great engineer and a great teacher to his son. At eight years old, young Brunel understands geometry and drawing. Even as a child, he is a workaholic.

Country of origin : Nicaragua - Handmade / Longfiller

Strength : medium - full

Wrapper : Ecuadorian Rosado

Binder : Nicaraguan Esteli

Filler : Nicaraguan from Jalapa / Omotepe

Box number : 24

Unit price : € 11,55

Retail price € 277,20 per box

Your purchase price :

194.04 €